Germany, Germany
  • Mainz Timber-framed residential streets evoke memories of the Renaissance. Credit:  Symposiarch [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons Mainz
    Timber-framed residential streets evoke memories of the Renaissance.

Located on the west bank or the Rhine River in western Germany, Mainz is a university town of almost 200,000 people and a center of the German wine economy. Just 25 miles from the Frankfurt airport, Mainz is a politically-important city in its on right as capital of the Rhineland-Palatinate state. Just across the Rhine is the town of Wiesbaden.

Gutenberg's home

A Roman outpost, Mainz was home to Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the modern printing press of movable type. A museum named in his honor exhibits a rare Gutenberg Bible and other early printed books. Also in Mainz is a museum with a lot of Roman and medieval artifacts, a grand cathedral, the Iron Tower, the Wood Tower and the beautiful domed "Christuskirche," or "Christ Church, which was first finished in 1903, bombed in 1945 and rebuilt by 1954. A great day in Mainz includes walking around and exploring, particularly on market days of Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around the cathedral.


  • Oceanic


  • Local community theatre
  • Local professional symphony
  • Active club/bar/music scene
  • Local professional ballet
  • Fine art museum
  • Major public college in downtown


  • Moderate


  • $$$$ -- Things cost more than you'd expect


  • Biking, hiking, running trails
  • Year-round fitness swimming center
  • Public golf course
  • Downtown yoga studio
  • Casino gaming within 25 miles
  • Snow skiing within 50 miles


  • Public squares
  • Mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhoods
  • Lots of downtown living space
  • Vibrant public transportation system
  • Safe bike corridors
  • Working farms within 25 miles


  • Public-assisted (govt.) health insurance
  • Community senior center
  • University teaching hospital
  • Community swimming pool
  • Emergency medical services within 25 miles